MCST, Council or MA under Corrupt Practices Investiagation Bureau (CPIB) investigation

This information is based on scenario happened in Singapore. 

  1. Gather all document for the investigation officer with receipts for the file taken from the officer.
  2. The usual documents are as follow which usually will provide support of the case involved.
  • Minutes
  • Declaration by Council
  • Recording
  • Supporting documents for each case

Conversation will be recorded during investigation so be careful of what is disclosed(Honesty will be your best policy).

Hand cuff may be use during recording. 

***this article will be update regularly as it is still work in progress and I welcome comment from other professional. 

Post your question to me so that I can add it in my article. 

***this article will be update regularly as it is still work in progress and I welcome comment from other professional. 

Post your question to me so that I can add it in my article. 


All this is based on my personal experiences and opinion.  Not all estates are the same and it will offer different experiences. My experience does not represent the all for all in this industry. 

Victor MZ Ling:  

My experiences including Single family home, condominium, shopping mall complex, retail stores and shop houses.

2015-2016. Chairman of Pelita Indah Condominium, Malaysia.

Language skills:
·        Chinese
·        English

*** This document is copyright by Victor MZ Ling


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