Fire Alarm situation under MCST

Many times, fire alarm may sound in an estate and there are procedure that needed to be put in place so that the situation can be put under control immediately.

Management must make sure that the security staff are properly train for this situation. 

Training and precaution for this events should be in place to follow.  

Step One-Notify the service provider

Step Two-Find out the cause 
Step Three-Zone Isolation and locating the faulting area
Step Four-Service Provider to repair
Step Five-Activate all the lifts/elevators(firm alarm will cause all lifts/elevators to homing to ground level).  In this case, if it is false alarm then you will need to reactivate the lifts.

For those who are in this management field will be able to redo the step for your estate according to your requirement.

***Pest control: during fogging, please make sure the alarm system is off.  Otherwise, it will trigger the system during fogging.  

***this article will be update regularly as it is still work in progress and I welcome comment from other professional. 


All this is based on my personal experiences and opinion.  Not all estates are the same and it will offer different experiences. My experience does not represent the all for all in this industry. 

*** This document is copyright by Victor MZ Ling


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