Records keeping under MCST
Record are to kept in good condition at all time.
The old record for the past years maybe archives into dry storage and pest free location.
Today, we have many option for file keeping. It is best to digitized all record and save it in a few media for long term purpose. Options are CD, DVD, HARD DISK, CLOUD and etc. Having a few will ensure that you still have the file when you need to get the record for when it is call for.
***this article will be
update regularly as it is still work in progress and I welcome comment from
other professionals.
Post your question to me so
that I can add it in my article.
All this is based on my
personal experiences and opinion. Not all estates are the same and it
will offer different experiences. My experience does not represent the all for
all in this industry.
This document is
copyright by Victor MZ Ling
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