Avoid Exchanges of Words and Bad Behavior - MCST

Avoid Exchanges of Words and Bad Behaviour - MCST

·       "I paid maintenance fees!" (Angry and arrogantly)
·       "I paid your salary, OK!"
·       "You are like a dog!"
·       "You are stupid!"
" Do what i tell you too."

Most people will find this extremely offensive choice of words from anyone and any work environment.  It is also abusive behavior that should avoid in professional working environment.

Some may think that this are rare incidents of exchange of word from residence.  However, this is common in many estates. 

To establish a proper communication between residence and management officer, a basis respect must be given by either side.

Many management professional avoids to join or leave MCST management environment prematurely is mostly due with abusive environment.

*Abusive behaviors does not solve a problem.   Communication does.

***this article will be update regularly as it is still work in progress and I welcome comment from other professionals. 

Post your question to me so that I can add it in my article. 


All this is based on my personal experiences and opinion.  Not all estates are the same and it will offer different experiences. My experience does not represent the all for all in this industry. 

*** This document is copyright by Victor MZ Ling


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