CondoTel is a condo providing hostel services

How to CondoTel under MCST

CondoTel is made up with two words.  Condo and Hostel is the words that give it this name.  This name was published in Singapore news recently.  It helps to describe unit that has been use as a hostel for short term visitor.  They usually charge much cheaper rate then motel and hotel to host some guest in their condo unit. 

This may involved one or more units which may be owned by one or few SP.

In Singapore, the strata-title law does not against unit to be rent out as it is consider a private property.  Malaysia is entirely different when it comes to this issues which I will not elaborate. In the United States, condo can be rent out and it is mostly not strictly control by the management. 

The local Building and Construction Authority (BCA) may offer a different view. The management can file a report to BCA if they have proof.

Here is a link with CondoTel in a website for Singapore.


·        Follow the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)/Key Performance Indicator (KPI) if you have one for Condotel
·        Only report to BCA if you have proof (Singapore)
·        Reporting can be done by anyone who has information of the CondoTel activity

Additional Note:

Do not take action because of hearsay

***this article will be update regularly as it is still work in progress and I welcome comment from other professional. 

Post your question to me so that I can add it in my article. 


All this is based on my personal experiences and opinion.  Not all estates are the same and it will offer different experiences. My experience does not represent the all for all in this industry. 

Victor MZ Ling:  

My experiences including Single family home, condominium, shopping mall complex, retail stores and shop houses.

2015-2016. Chairman of Pelita Indah Condominium, Malaysia.

Language skills:
·        Chinese
·        English

*** This document is copyright by Victor MZ Ling


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